


Mechanisms of Injury


When the body is injured, it undergoes natural processes to heal itself. An injury can be microscopic where small amounts of tissue are damaged over time. The damage goes unnoticed and is normally repaired quickly. When the body can no longer repair itself, these microscopic damages add up over time until symptoms such as pain and disability are observed. Microscopic injuries occur all the time in the body such as in joints and walls of blood vessels. Improper healing of these tissues as we age lead to various arthridities and coronary heart disease, respectively. Macroscopic injuries are common cuts and broken bones.


The Healing Process Overview

  • Phase 1 - Inflammation

  • Phase 2 - Scar formation

  • Phase 3 - Tissue Remodeling

Whether an injury is microscopic or macroscopic, the first step in the healing process is the inflammatory phase. This is commonly referred to as bruising. During injury, various chemicals are released from dead cells to tell the body that it has been injured. It is important to note that sometimes the body can not recognize these chemicals due to neurological deficits. Because of these deficits, the injury goes undetected and the inflammatory process does not begin. Healing can not occur naturally in these instances. This is a serious disease process that results in a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.


How Taktone-X2® affects the Inflammatory Phase


Taktone-X2® Tools and Techniques can bypass the need for a body to detect injury. Taktone-X2® can artificially initiate an inflammatory phase and start the healing process by itself.


The inflammatory phase isolates the injured area and increases blood flow to the damaged tissues. The increased blood flow supplies much needed nutrients to the area and removes waste products. This entire process cleans and prepares the damaged area so that scarring and tissue rebuilding can occur.


How Taktone-X2® affects Scarring and Tissue Remodeling


Scarring and tissue remodeling are the next two processes that normally follow inflammation. Unfortunately, the body does not always give enough time for these processes to work together. The body then heals improperly. The inflammatory process may end too early and scarring may occur too fast. Tissue remodeling may also be inadequate or occur in the wrong direction. Taktone-X2® Tools and Techniques can break up scar tissue and redirect tissue remodeling.


Patients with injuries that heal improperly often experience chronic pain and disability in those areas. In such chronic cases, Taktone-X2® Tools and Techniques can be used to reinitiate the inflammatory process so that tissue repair can begin anew. Taktone-X2® will also be able to begin anew scarring and tissue remodeling. Tissue remodeling involves the laying down of collagen and protein. Collagen and protein are the building blocks of tissues such as muscles, ligament, and bone but if they are laid down in the wrong direction, these tissues become weak and less elastic, resulting in chronic pain, and disability. Taktone-X2® Techniques can build stronger and more flexible tissues by redirecting collagen formation.